LMR Harukiro 5340C
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Click on the RED Reg.# to access pedigree and current American Wagyu Association EPD data.
Click on the RED Australian EBV to access pedigree and current Australian Wagyu Association EBV data.
Information provided by the bull owner:
SCD AA, Igenity Tenderness
Elite in the Australian system for Birth Weight EBV and Eye Muscle Area EBV with superior predictions for Retail Yield EBV, Marble Score EBV, Marble Fineness EBV, Fullblood Terminal Index and F1 Terminal Index.
Sired by Kitateruyasudoi J2810 also known as ETJ003 from one of the best Lone Mountain donors, LMR Ms Itomichi 4632 803T, who has three steer progeny harvested that graded 41.01%; 30.09%; and 39.6% IMF and her sire, BR Itomich-0602 4632, has proven to be one of the best of the Blue Rock bull battery and her dam’s sire, WKS Sanjirou is one of Michifuku’s greatest sons, that needs no introduction, except to say that many consider him to be better than his sire, and that is saying a lot!
The sire of 5340C, Kitateruyasudoi, was sired by Terunaga Doi J1472, a preeminent sire of the historical Tajima/Tajiri line and the most famous son of Kikuteru Doi who appears in both sides of ETJ003’s pedigree and he also traces back to Yasumi Doi J10328 three times and the famed author Kenichi Ono referenced the sire of ETJ003 by saying “After Terunaga Doi, there is no other bull within sight with the potential of Yasumi Doi or Yasutani Doi in all of Hyogo Prefecture.”
Terunaga Doi lived to be more than 16 years of age, producing over 40,000 straws of semen in his lifetime and siring over 20,000 progeny and a stone monument was built to honor his heritage, known all over Japan primarily as a dam sire, passing on great maternal traits, when he was euthanized in 2002, many compared him favorably to Japanese legends Yasumi Doi, Kikuteru Doi and Tanifuku Doi.
The sire of Kitateruyasudoi J2810 also known as ETJ003 is the only son of Terunaga Doi available to breeders outside of Japan and a deceased Kitateruyasudoi son, Macquarie Wagyu Y408, had 10 straws of semen sold at the May 2017 Australian Wagyu Elite Wagyu Sale for an astounding AU $28,000 per straw for a stunning total purchase price of AU $280,000.
Owners Information:
Lone Mountain Cattle Co.
Golden, NM