LMR Shogun 0397H
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Click on the RED Reg.# to access pedigree and current American Wagyu Association EPD data.
Click on the RED Australian EBV to access pedigree and current Australian Wagyu Association EBV data.
Information provided by the bull owner:
Ultra-elite in the Australian system for Birth Weight EBV, Marble Score EBV and Marble Fineness EBV with an elite Eye Muscle Area EBV and F1 Terminal Index, this great candidate to breed virgin heifers and crossbreed females of all British breeds is also superior for Fullblood Terminal Index with a solid Self Replacing Index.
Advancing the genetic strengths of his famous sire Itoshigenami TF148 from a dam sired by Kitaguni Jr, this Lone Mountain carcass superstar is a paternal brother to Mayura Itoshigenami Jnr 0139, the so-called “The King of Australian Wagyu Sires” and grandsire of Mayura L0010.
The sire of the dam of Shogun 0397H was the Number 1 sire of dams in the most recent Lone Mountain Sire Performance Study for Marbling with 84 carcasses recording an average of 34.81% IMF and as a direct sire. Kitaguni Jr had an average of 34.28% IMF on 121 LMR imaged carcasses.
The dam of Shogun 0397H is one of Lone Mountain’s best donor cows that has produced 54 progeny that include five Itoshigenami TF148 steers that are full brothers to 0397H that graded 45%, 43%, 42%, 41%, and 39% IMF and two Lone Mountain herd sires.
With a very high fertility level, the dam of Shogun 0397H has produced an astounding 315 viable embryos in 40 flushes to average 7.88 viable embryos per flush and she is a FULL sister to the ORIgen Sire LMR Kitaguni 1441Y.
The grandam of Shogun 0397H has produced 22 calves, including a steer by Kitaguni Jr that graded 50% IMF in addition to producing two Lone Mountain donor cows and two Lone Mountain herd sires.
The pedigree of LMR Shogun 0397H displays 66% Tajima; 13% Itozakura; 3% Shimane; 2% Okayama; and 2% Tottori and Kedaka bloodlines.
Semen is qualified for United States, most of Central and South America, Mexico, Canada, South Africa, Australia & New Zealand