Old Stone Phoenix 062G
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Order Semen
Female Sexed
Female Sexed

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PHOENIX 062G is the product of a large framed Takeda bred Aizakura line female that was developed by Yamamoto Genetics.
Truly a pedigree worth studying! Backed immediately by the influence of Yasumi Doi and Yasutani Doi with 3 crosses to Monjiro via World K’s Michifuku, Sanjirou and Haruki 2, alongside Westholme’s Kitateruyasudoi ETJ003.
With original greats like these infused into some of the most powerful maternal lines ever known, every leg on this pedigree is a gem . . . Chiyotake, Aizakura, Ezokintou, and Suzutani!
YCB Ito Kameyo 5635 was a true powerhouse of a cow with exceptional locomotion . . . she did not disappoint when transmitting her rugged strength down through her Sanjirou daughter and Macquarie Wagyu Prelude M0495 grandson.
A great opportunity to utilize a double dose of TF Yukiharunami 4 through Prelude in a recessive clean package and at a reasonable price. Both conventional and limited supply of female sexed units available!
CHIYOTAKE => Macquarie Wagyu Y408
AIZAKURA => Mayura L0010
EZOKINTOU => Mayura Itoshigenami JNR
SUZUTANI => World K’s Shigeshigetani
Tested free for all known wagyu genetic defects including IARS.
Dual registered in both Australia and the United States.
E.U. qualified CSS semen.
Owners Information:
Old Stone Wagyu
Junction City, WI