Hart No Doubt 9517
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Conventional semen available in ¼ or ½ cc straws – indicate preference at checkout
Selected as the $27,000 second high-selling bull of the 2020 Hart Angus Farms Bull Sale where the top five selling bulls were all sons of Hoover No Doubt at $60,000, $27,000, $24,000, $22,000 and $15,000 with a daughter selling for $40,000 as the second high-selling female.
The donor dam of this promising young sire is a calving ease curve-bender with added genetics for marbling and a flush brother was the $24,000 selection of Linz Heritage Angus with all the other top-selling bulls of the sale being three quarter brothers to this young power bull.
The first calf crop by this young sire were a popular sire group of 2022 Hart sale with sons selling for $13,000 and $11,000 and Hart Hercules, a maternal brother to this young sire was selected from the Hart Angus herd by ABS to serve as a source of outcross power.
Among ORIgen Sires as of 12-22-23, Number 4 for hot Carcass Weight EPD, Number 7 for $Feedlot value index, weaning weight from maternal Milk EPD, Scrotal Circumference measure EPD and Calving Ease Maternal score EPD, Number 9 for Docility score EPD, elite for $Combined value index, $Beef value index, Weaning Weight EPD and Yearling Weight EPD, superior for $Maternal value index, $Weaned calf value index, $Grid value index, Marbling score EPD, Rib Eye area measure EPD, $Angus x Holstein crossbreeding value index, $Angus x Jersey crossbreeding value index . hoof Angle score EPD and Hair Shedding score EPD and better than breed avg for Claw set score EPD
Owners Information:
Haugen Cattle Company
Hannaford, ND
Hart Angus Farms
Frederick, SD