Old Stone Legend 021E
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Conventional semen ONLY packaged in ½ cc straws
LEGEND 021E’s high-powered sire stack contains the growth and maternal strength of TF147 Itoshigefuji, TF149 Mitsuhikokura as well as 2 crosses to Takeda Farms reputable TF709 female, sired by Kimifuku 3. TF709 is a Hikokura line cow tracing back to the famed Ezokintou matriarch, the same base cow responsible for Australia’s long standing King of the Breed, Mayura Itoshigenami JNR.
A pedigree Infused with the notable marbling and meat quality icons such as TF148 Itoshigenami, World K’s Kitaguni Jr., and Kimifuku 3, LEGEND 021E’s pedigree has all the marks of balanced breeding that will stamp out Legendary Dai-7 Itozakura line brood cows that know how to work. He is extremely long from nose to tail, and stands on an exceptional set of feet and legs with a very deep heel. All this in a recessive clean package!
B.W. of six 2019 born offspring from first-calf fullblood dams ranged from 52-64 pounds. All births were unassisted.
Tested free for all known wagyu genetic defects.
Tenderness 7
E.U. qualified CSS semen.
Owners Information:
Old Stone Wagyu
Junction City, WI