E&B Plus One
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NUMBER 1 for $EN and the ability to reduce Mature Weight EPD, Number 2 for the ability to reduce Mature Height EPD and Number 6 for Calving Ease Direct score EPD.
Popular at ORIgen since his arrival as the first son of Confidence Plus at ORIgen, Plus One was the most widely-used yearling bull of his calf crop at ORIgen and across the breed and among the top 10 sires for progeny registered in the 2021 fiscal year of the American Angus Association.
This $68,000 top-selling bull of the 2019 Benoit sale in Kansas is a thick, deep and square-hipped son of the very popular Confidence Plus, and during his time in residence at ORIgen Plus One was always special favorite of visitors.
The Pathfinder Dam of Plus One weaned six natural calves with an average ratio of 108 and this unique individual recorded a %IMF ratio of 162 in the Benoit calf crop, in addition to recording a 14.6 adjusted URE measure, and a flush sister to Plus One sold as the $200,000 top-selling bred heifer of the 2019 sale at Spruce Mountain Ranch with the first pregnancy from her selling for $47,500 in the spring of 2020 at Crazy K.
At the start of 2025, progeny data has proven Plus One a “can’t miss” calving ease sire with 1,621 first calf daughters recording an average calving ease score of 1.0 on calves by Plus One and 5,279 calves sired by him in 651 herds have an average birth ratio of 99 and 1,778 progeny scanned record an average %IMF ratio of 102 with 5,000 progeny of Plus One genomic tested.
As the featured and top-selling lot of the 2019 National Finals Angus Sale, the Plus One ownership grew and added some of the Angus breed’s most influential programs, allowing him to be sampled in matings to some of the Angus breed’s greatest females.
Better than breed avg for Hair Shedding score EPD, Claw set score EPD and hoof Angle score EPD.
Owners Information:
Tailor Made Genetics
Red Lodge, MT
Byrd Cattle Co
Red Bluff, CA
A&B Cattle
Bear Mountain Angus
Bruning Farms
Jeff & Jared Cox
CWT Angus
21 Mile Angus
Express Ranches
EZ Angus Ranch
Darrell, Reba & Mac Hansen
Ryan Hulse
Ingram Angus
NJ Angus
Norm & Jamie Johnson
Jones Family Angus
KW Angus
Ky Luddington
McKinley Cattle
MnM Cattle Co.
Rhoades Ranch
Whitestone Farm