237 Stud News

WCC Chubby Buddy 

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WCC Chubby Buddy

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Sire: Sumo Cattle Co Seisakushu C221
Reg. #: FB16111
Tattoo: Z001
Birth Date: Oct 2012
Cane Code: 54KB132

Click red reg num above to access AWA EPDs

Conventional semen ONLY packaged in ½ cc straws

Tested free of all known Wagyu genetic conditions.


Registered in both the American Wagyu Association (FB16111) and the American Akauashi Association (EAF262833), this Fullblood Horned Red Wagyu ranks top 2% for Weaning Weight EPD, Yearling Weight EPD and Total Maternal EPD and top 15% for Milk EPD in AWA database in February of 2023.

With a phenotype that makes him ideal to sire productive red-hided replacement females, WCC Chubby Buddy was the 2014 Senior Bull Calf Champion at the Houston Stock Show with a 17.25 square inches of Rib Eye Area and 0.13 inches of back fat while still maintaining a BMS of 7.71 at 17 months of age.

Chubby Buddy has produced strong and sound daughters with great udders that raise excellent calves and he offers red color, great performance and traditional Wagyu marbling excellence along with great hybrid vigor for growth, maternal and fertility traits when bred to American cattle of British descent.

As a fullblood Hakari grandson from a Big Al, linebred Akiko dam, this pedigree leaves nothing to be desired and Chubby Buddy is perhaps the largest framed red Wagyu in the AWA Registry at 61” hip height and easily exceeding 2,300 pounds.

Owners Information:

Justin & Michael Boersma

Gladstone, ND


History of Red Wagyu (Akaushi)

In 1975, two Red Wagyu (Akaushi) sires, Rueshaw and Judo, were imported into the U.S. and a few additional red bulls and cows arrived in 1994.

Red Wagyu is highly prized for it’s finely textured abundant marbling and easy fleshing on grass.

Unlike the Black Wagyu strains which were typically raised in confinement the Red Wagyu were developed on the grasslands of the Japanese Prefecture of Kumamoto making Red Wagyu perfect for improving carcass quality in a grass feeding operation.

In comparison to the Black Wagyu strain (Tajima), Red Wagyu are thicker, with higher weaning weights, shorter finishing times, and produce more milk in the females and their phenotype is more closely related to the western cattle breeds yet they can marble just as well as many of the Black Wagyu.

Red Wagyu genetics offer a valuable outcross possibility to the limited Black Wagyu gene pool and they produce the finest beef in the world and offer many advantages in a crossbreeding operation.